(no subject)

Dec 04, 2006 22:42

An attempt at a quick post as I should be working...but I'm tired.  The last few months have been a ridiculous mix of the incredible and the insane and the incredibly insane.

Highlights (and lowpoints)

- Went to Boston for ovary related madness.  Krista came with...it was awesome, I will eventually post pics.  We spent Halloween in Salem - there were funny witch hats and devil horns and people in awesome costumes.  We also went to the mapparium in the Mary Baker Eddy library.  I wanted to go there because it's mentioned in a Jhumpa Lahiri story...and it was my favorite thing we did.  That place is gorgeous.

-After the Boston trip I returned to all day rehearsals for Cloud Nine.  Due to a mixture of my own unwillingness to ask people to help me with lifting and moving shit and a complete lack of sympathy (about me just having had surgery) from the director, Travis, and my assistant ...I ended up with ovarian hyperstimulation.  This pretty much means that my ovaries got huge and it made me sick.  I was retaining an insane amount of  water...enough to increase my belly by about 4 inches.  I have a map of new stretch marks from my little water baby.  I couldn't walk across a room without  getting winded or stay awake for more than a few hours without feeling like I hadn't slept at all.  While these are minor annoyances if you don't see them as warning signs and change your bad post op ways you can end up with an ovarian tortion (when it twists around under the fallopian tube usually requiring emergency removal of female parts) and in severe cases fluid in heart and lungs.   It was an awful week physically and my hormones were out of control.  Meanwhile, the director was a complete ass to me constantly.  I don't know if I've ever cried so much in a week in my life.

- Of course that had some to do with the most insane thing of all...Jason Gregory (pretty much my first real boyfriend ) killed himself.  He took a bunch of pain pills and jumped off the roof of the parking deck by the Arkansas Rep.  I was not surprised...at all really.  He'd sent me what amounted to a suicide letter via myspace about a month before.  I cut off all contact with him after that, as the last thing I needed was some melodramatic ass sending me faux suicide letters.  There are a zillion things about the situation that I could connect to myself or my relationship with him but I know they are probably not real.  I don't feel guilty or anything - just sad for him.  But this was hard info to deal with along with all the other crap.

- Cloud Nine tech may have been a few of the worst days EVER.  I was so excited about the show going in but it ended up being a disaster that shredded my self esteem and has caused me to doubt every major life choice I've ever made.  There was no professional chemistry between myself and the outside director they brought in for the show.  He was constantly demeaning and rude to me...from our first interaction when I introduced myself to be answered with "Yeah, I'm gonna need a copy of your resume."  Ass.  He was a control freak who wouldn't allow me to do my job (and did the same to most of the designers).  The worst part was I got no support  from the department, the faculty who saw how horrible he was being refused to stand up to him because they're afraid he'll go tell people bad things about working for Penn State.  That's really all I can say without getting into examples which will mean little to anyone who isn't a theatre person and the theatre people who read this were either along for the ride or have heard my bitching enough.  But he's gone now and the run of the show has been alright - except for a fire alarm incident on Saturday night.

-I spent Thanksgiving weekend with Adam at his mom's in Conneaut Lake.  It was a great time.  There was lots of yummy food, fun with guns, and reluctant kitties.  Adam took me on a tour of all the homes he's lived in there.  We stood on the dock by the canal, held hands and looked at the stars, snuggled in a bunk bed, and played board games with quads.  It ruled.  I got along very well with his family.  His mom and I hit it off very well and teamed up on him for fun making purposes.  I got to see a bunch of awesome pics of Adam as a kid and teen.  I loved his mad sexy senior pic posing coyly with a laptop and various software guides.  Thanksgiving Day, his stepdad set up a shooting range in the back yard.  I impressed with my superior Tecumseh learned gun skillz.  I was an ok shot but I handled the gun like a total badass...and that's what's really important.

- Adam and I went to see the D last night.  In case you're not cool enough to understand - that meant we went to see Tenacious D in concert.  It fucking rokked.  As you'd expect from them - there was much more going on than just the two of them standing around playing songs.  There were purposely craptastic sets, a plot, it was awesome.  It took you on quite an adventure from KG's duplex to the depths of hell.  They played damn near all the songs from the show and the cd...and lots from the movie.  It was all very rock opera (they even performed Tommy as their final encore) and kick ass.  The "nay, we are but men! Rock!" moment  during Tribute was one of the coolest concert moments I've ever experienced...sooo fun.  It was a really diverse crowd and I've never had so much personal space and so few obnoxious interactions on the floor at a concert.  I did get annoyed before the show by these two chicks behind me pretending they knew a lot about tech theatre while watching the follow spot ops sets up.  It made me really paranoid about how I sound when I talk about that sort of shit.  I may never do it again.  But overall the entire day was incredible.  Adam and I drove to DC in the mid afternoon and back after the concert - the road trip itself was sooo fun.  We listened to music and talked about the future and were in love and it was super.   Things have been exceptionally awesome with us lately.  I don't know how he keeps up with my ridiculous mood swings...especially with all the insane hormone crap and rough stuff.

Now I must get back to the ridiculous amount of work I have to do in the next 2 weeks.  Then I will be going to Arkansas to see my family and all my awesome friends.  Yay!

mental health, egg donation

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