Jul 07, 2009 22:37
Allllllrighty then. Now that I've got some lead out of my tuchas.
Corset is put together, channels stitched. Since the corset isn't being submitted for competition, I used a modified effigy style, shortened the front bottom and am waiting for bones to arrive.
So, to keep myself busy this afternoon *after* measured all the needed bones, I cut out the underskirt! I have two options here - not submit the underskirt for competition (as I didn't use a Margo pattern for it), but submit the dress itself or just not submit the dress at all for competition. Decisions, decisions.
Anyway, the underskirt - citron silk dupioni, 10 gores. Easy-peasey. Tomorrow, if I've got time, I'll serge every raw edge. I didn't wash the silk before hand because I really wanted that stiff hand, for one; for two, I didn't feel like washing, drying, ironing 10 yards worth of silk and then cutting everything. I doubt this skirt will see the washer, either. I have no problem dry cleaning it.
I'll get pics tomorrow, definitely.