Two things I leanred not to say out loud

May 10, 2012 11:18

I did it. Almost two weeks without internet. I should get a medal. I don’t know how I managed to get by without looking up answers to important questions like: what are the lyrics to the Teen Witch song Top That (Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that) or how old is Jeff Goldbloom? (59) That’s right, I had to go through three days without knowing how old Jeff Goldbloom is.

(Yup, he's 59)

During my forced hiatus from the internet, I learned that there are things that I probably shouldn’t say in public.

I learned that I probably shouldn’t yell- does Johnny Cash have any happy songs?- while attending a watching a Johnny Cash cover band.

Of course, I managed to say this during a lull in the set. Someone next to me shook his head and said, “sweetheart, you’re at the wrong show." Somewhere between my fifth vodka and a number of condescending looks, I realized that he was probably right. My knowledge of Johnny Cash is very mainstream (I'm pretty sure this warrants a stoning in his hipster run world). Other than Ring of Fire (I’m not even bothering to look up if that is the actual name of the song to show you guys how much I might not know about this guy) and some song about drug or killing yourself or something, I probably wouldn’t be able to recognize Johnny Cash being played through the loudspeakers of Medieval Times or Taco Bell.

(It's okay, my friend is the guitarist)

The second thing I learned that I probably shouldn’t say in public is- That looks cheap…and ugly- while attending a Steam Punk fashion show.

I will admit right now that I'm not fashionable. My style ranges from geeky to obnoxious and once, years ago, someone told me that I have the fashion of a retarded six year old (this was during my ecstasy phase, soo...). However, just because I'm not wearing five layers of silk and velvet in 70 degree weather doesn’t mean that I don’t have the right to say, wow, that looks like shit or hey, that’s a really interesting design.

I like steam punk. I like steam punk fashion. But just because you silk screen an eyeball to the bottom of a dress doesn’t mean that it doesn’t look like a trash bag. And if that was the point, well, you failed.

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