(no subject)

Feb 24, 2012 11:48

I went to my court ordered substance assessment class this morning and told my interviewer that sometimes, I like to drink wine alone, in bed. She looked worried and I quickly explained that writing and wine are the only things that keep me sane. For a brief second I wanted to backtrack, tell her something more standard like: “It was a Saturday, the night was pleasant, it only seemed natural to drink outside on a stoop,” but I doubt that would have cut it either.

She scribbled in her notebook; which reminded me a bit too much of my high school therapist after my brother passed away. “Maybe you drink to deal with your problems?”

I shook my head, “No, I write for that. Writing is my release.”

“So what role does the wine play?”

“It’s a treat I give myself when I beat writers block; I can sit back and sigh.”

The woman put down her notebook and we started talking about how ridiculous New York City is. How people move here and get lost in the pedestrian current, how they move back home because really, it’s a difficult city to live in. She is thinking of moving to South Carolina to be closer to her sister; I told her that is a brilliant idea. She then told me to read The Executioner’s Song, and A Field Guide to Getting Lost. She squeezed my shoulder before giving me a piece of paper that said: Passed and an issue to refund the $300 dollars I paid to take the assessment test in the first place.

A Field Guide to Getting Lost, is sitting on my bookshelf reading to be read.

interesting places for a book recommenda, wine, life

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