Sep 16, 2009 02:34
Okay, so if you don't know (Matt or Karaya, as you are the only two aside from V with whom I am friends here), I got myself a job working as a TA (Teaching Assisstant) at Johnson C. Smith University. Pretty kick ass gig. I work as the tech teacher for a drama class (the very first year they have ever had a theatre program), and I really get to design the class to fit whatever I like. It's a little wierd, as JCSU is a historically black college... meaning I am litterally the only white guy on campus, but no one even gives me a second look. They are all diligent workers, ready to learn and giving it their all, so I am actually rather excited about the whole gig.
Finished up my second day just a few hours ago (well, more like a handful of hours ago); they performed a monologue (chosen by them) in the form of an actual audition (we put them under serious pressure, but everyone had fun). As acting Stage Manager, it was my job to help them smooth out their audition piece, etc. Enjoyed myself immensely.
Next tuesday, they are going to come in and select a monologue from a pile (I'm putting together half, Dr. Hayes is collecting the other half) and do a 'cold reading', meaning they have minimal rehearsal time, reading directly from the paper (the focus is on getting into character here, not getting the lines right). I know Dr. Hayes will select numerous pieces fitting cultural and historical journeys... but these guys wanna have some fun. She told me to go wild, and so I am... but now I'm wondering if I should cater a little more towards the 'black crowd', or if I should just stick with fun monologues. So far I have selections from Army of Darkness, Feast, Fear and Loathing, Boondock Saints, Lord of War, Equilibrium, Cool Hand Luke, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Constantine and Blade II; I'm thinking of grabbing up the Samuel L. Jackson speech from Deep Blue Sea, and maybe something from Pulp Fiction - also considered a Vin Deisle mono from Pitch Black or something, maybe a Denzel Washington (Man on Fire) or even something from Christopher Walken (Suicide Kings, perhaps). There are numerous options and I want fun (not just fun lines, but fun characters). They are supposed to be challenged by this, and so I am trying to provide that challenge.
Questions, comments, concerns? Input?
Tune in next week for Volume II of The Life and Times of a TA.