Damn Kidney Infection

Feb 03, 2005 11:45

I must stay at mom and pops' house because apparently I have a serious medical condition. As soon as I'm out of the house I get a kidney infection and wait a hell of a long time to tell anyone because I though I was just have back problems. Travis says it means I shall move back with my kinfolks just cause he moved back with his when he got mono. I love him and his computer illiteracy. He honestly does not know how to use a computer and when he want something typed out he has to tell people what to type cause he'd probably have to stare at the keyboard for a while before he can find one word.

Now, Lee didn't know how to use a computer either, and look how well that went. Opposites attract? He asked me to be his girlfriend last Sunday. Is that the 31st? Which is Uranus, planet of freaks and geeks.

Had to download "Seed" by Sublime. Left all my cds at my place. No sleeping to Sublime and no smoking out, (cause Travis doesn't want me to smoke weed) makes me miss Lee. They keep me close to him. He lives through the feeling of being high and through the rhythms of Bradly. Only because he'd play this song on his guitar. He was proud of that thing.
Well, I must go take pain medicine, my kidney are having spasms.
PS. Eigermeister (sp) and I are not friends. Travis chose that shit cause he German and proud of it. It made me hallucinate.

VNV Nation is a good band. I've had this cd forever and have never listened to it.
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