So.... here I am, my first entry! Feels strange to put down my life, who I am, and my thoughts or beliefs, knowing that it's not just put down for myself, but out there for others to see as well. More and more over the years, I've been learning to connect with Self, and others better and more deeply. I'm also learning how to open the heart, act only from that place, and be aware of the energies present at the moment between myself and those that I have a connection to.
One of the things that I've learned about having an open heart is that I am someone who is polyamorious. There are many forms that polyamory can take, but basicly, it means to love more then one person. For me, to live and act from an open heart means that I sometimes find that connections go unexpectedly deep, and if I'm to be honest with myself and those important to me, then those connections should be talked about and explored as long as everyone feels comfortable. Now, a common misconception is that polys are all sex-fiends. The physical side of love is actually a very minor part of any healthy relationship. That's not to say that it's an unimportant part when it's there, just that it's not the driving force. When I feel a connection, I put nothing on it, except the recognition and appreciation of what is between myself and that person. We hang out, talk, dance, create together, share, and more.... but all following the natural flow of the energy of the moment. I've been involved in a few poly relationships over the last year, but it is all still very new to me. That said, it is a topic that I will explore in more depth in posts to come. In the meantime, here is a link for some more information and discussion about polyamory: Following the theme of 'heart', one of my greatest passions in life also happens to be my profession. I've been cooking professionally for ten years now (holy crap.... a decade!). I started my carreer by going to The Culinary Institute of Canada (which I think has been renamed after joining with a hospitality school. I should look that up.) It is a very well respected school, one of the better cooking schools in Canada, located in Charlottetown, PE. After graduation, I worked at most of the best restaurants in PEI (all the ones I wanted to, anyway), then moved out here to British Columbia, where I continue to ply my craft. There will be many stories told about life working in restaurants, and I will also at some point write about my connection with cooking, how I approach it, the things I like to cook, etc.
What's talk of 'heart' without going inti 'spirit'? I was raised Roman Catholic, in a small East Coast town that was predominatly Roman Catholic. Strangely enough, I was also raised to think for myself, follow my own path, and respect other people's beliefs as vaid to them, even if those beliefs differ from my own. To my knowledge, I'm the only member of my family, aunts, uncles, and cousins included, that is pagan! There is definietly some influence from my Celtic roots, but also from the teachings and way of life of shamanic cultures from many parts of the planet. I follow no dogma. There is no group I belong to, other then my diverse clan of gypsys that I call my family/friends. I see the divine mystry in all things, and see all things as part and whole of the divine msytry. Since spirit is in me all ways, from time to time I'll be writing about my latest Rune casting, tarot reading, or thoughts and feelings about realities.
Once I actually got started typing, it turns out that there's so much more in life. This, I guess, is my introduction to this format of expression and potentionally self-exploration. Soon I'll post about the major project I have going on in my life recently. It's really amazing dream-fulfilment stuff, but another day. I've typed enough for today.
Blessings and abundance