insomniac rambles or "I've read to many newspapers"

Jul 22, 2004 06:08

No sleep
no peace
my heart is torn in shreds
My cousin goes to war,
I just pray he keeps his head
What they're training our young boys
Only God and Rumsfeld know
to treat human lives as toys
dressing in blind hatreds clothes
Who is right and who is wrong?
Whose the hero in this war?
Abu Ghraib and the beheadings
theres no hero anymore.
And now we hear of all the children
our own soldiers have abused.
Uncle Sam is now Big Brother
Orwells all over the news.
So our President, Gods soldier
self proclaimed as right and just
Says Iran now holds the terror
since Iraq was such a bust
Afghanistan forgotten,
as the poppy fields resume
but at least we have that pipeline
to insure we'll still consume
North Korea still makes threats
Then theres China and Taiwan
this is such a bloody mess
how can anyone be calm?
But the biggest burning question
that we wonder as we fall
Is will the Universe step in
before we destroy it all?
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