Title: Cherem
Chapter: 7/?
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fantasy, AU
Characters: Taemin (SHINee), Hyunjoong (SS501), the rest of SHINee, SS501 and other cameos
Pairing(s): Taemin!centric, platonic!Key/Taemin,
Warning: Rating will go up in later chapters
Summary: When Lee Taemin gets deported down from his comfortable position in the weather division to a strange division known only to most as ‘the Store’, he gets tangled up in the stuff that should stay safely in his daydreams. Three difficult house-spirits, plenty of strange, needy customers, one clumsy but strangely mysterious store-keeper, and one particularly curious customer who seems to keep coming back only when Taemin is around.
It’s all fun, but wishes are desires are dangerous things. And soon, Taemin begins to wonder if he’s biting off more than he can chew…
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“If you want to be all debonair and do a fan-service scene, Leeteuk, you do not look back at someone else for confirmation! It speaks of a lack of confidence. Come!” Hyunjoong shoved Leeteuk aside, cupping a stunned Nicole’s cheeks. “This is how you do it…” )