SOOO!!!! I have the most fantacular (new word lol) best friend in the whole world! Yesterday, we went to Sea World and I literally teared up when I saw the orcas (killer whales). I had never seen one in real life seeing as there's no Sea World in Virginia and that's not a common sight at the beach. Well, then Ana paid for us to "Dine with Shamu", whichs means we eat right next to the whales, you can see from the pics on my profile that we were so close we could have reached out and touched them.
So, I talked to a trainer and asked her how they became trainers, were they all marine biologists? And she that that was a myth of the past (that all trainers were marine biologists) and that anyone with a four year degree can work for Sea World and for 3 years, you work with smaller animals (sea otters, sea lions, dolphins ect.) and then you can come work with the orcas! I was so happy I nearly hugged her, but I controlled myself.
So, now I know what I want to do. I talked to my dad and I decided to (instead of changing majors AGAIN) to just make my minor in Biology another major, so double-major in English and Biology. And dad said I would have to be the top of my class because Anheiser-Busch is a huge company and only wants the cream of the crop. And I know that he is right and so Ana bought me a wooden whale tail and it's there as a reminder that everytime I don't want to study or feel like slacking, it's my dream that is at stake, no one else's but mine.
And I decided to move down here next summer, not sure about every summer but to move down here and work at Petsmart down here and to volunteer with Sea World on the rescues they do in the wild, to build my resumee for them. And I am going to look into summer programs and stuff they have (internships maybe) for college students for next year and years following, so I will probably graduate in 2012 instead of 2011 but I know that it's worth it. This is what I have been looking for, the niche that allows me to work with orcas without going to school forever, because I want to get out there and work.
So this whole revelation and everything is all because of Ana, she made a dream come true for me yesterday by getting me that close to the animals I adore and that close to a trainer to find out what was needed of me to become a trainer.
I love you, Ana!