Dec 30, 2007 01:45
No Oxford. My mom told me that she refuses to plan my wedding alone and not to leave her or my fiance for two years to go across seas. It's disheartening but it makes sense. Today in FM, someone asked me if I could give my 12-year-old self a telephone call, what would I say, I thought of it immediately, "It gets better, I promise."
When I was 12, I was going through that horrible stage when nothing seems to go right. I hated the world, I gave up on everything except for school and writing. I thought that life would never get better and it did. It took tears and many years but now it is amazing. Tonight Robbie and I wrestled and just had a blast, no fights. It was great.
Then I thought some more about the telephone call and I added, "When your parents tell you that poetry and stories will get you no where, tell them to shove it. The restriction will be worth it." And also, "Don't hate people because they belittle you and hurt you. It is far easier not to care then to let them hurt you. If you know that now, high school will be so much easier than learning that the hard way."
And lastly, "Don't cry so much when he leaves. He does love you and he will come back. It's not the end of the world, it's the beginning of forever."
twelve telephone love oxford