Aug 16, 2005 21:18
For the past 6 weeks or so I have been imprisoned by obsession and anxiety, and came THAT close to making what would probably have been the biggest mistake of my life. It feels like I've been massively mentally ill, and that I shrunk my world down to 3/16th of an inch so I could focus on the one thing I wanted to. Stopped cooking, stopped eating, stopped making the bed, stopped paying my bills. Smoked some. Lost 10 pounds. Suffered. Told lies, told truth. Said things I shouldn't have, didn't say some things I should have. Begged for help, didn't ask for any help. Felt like I was 18, felt like I was 81. Prayed. Cursed. Dropped people. Picked up people. Had my wrinkles filled in with Radiesse. Went to Philadelphia. Saw the Atlantic Ocean and my mom on her 85th birthday. Came home. Got a tattoo. Had a long talk with Rose.
Comments appreciated.