A good, healthy revved up workout plan?

Dec 31, 2011 10:35

Hi guys.

So I was working out, lifting weights, having fun...and I severely, SEVERELY twisted my ankle. My sister is a nurse, and she couldn't believe I hadn't broken it. It was definitely sprained, to the point where two months after the injury, I tried to do a quick dash into a gas station for some coffee, and found I COULD NOT RUN. AT ALL.

For the curious: I twisted my ankle by stepping in a pothole (it was dark, I didn't see it), and my ankles are worthless pieces of crap ANYWAY, so of course I went down like a ton of bricks. We had no idea how bad it was until the next day when my husband took one look at it and dialed my sister, because it was seriously something like five times the normal size.

Now, I'm not into running anyway (I blew both my knees out in high school doing X-country), but it was a shock to find I couldn't run at ALL.

It is now almost January. I still cannot run. I'm biking to try and lose all this extra weight, and I can handle some lifts (dead, front squats, reps with dumbbells instead of barbells), but I cannot do lunges for strength, as it puts weight in a weird way on my ankle.

The long ass point to this post is: has anyone used a high powered workout plan to help them lose more fat and build more muscle in a smaller amount of time? I am NOT talking about fad diets or anything, but a hardcore training program that could really make a difference to the way I look and feel in say, 8-12 weeks?

I put on a lot of weight in fat and I hate it. The injury really slowed down my progress, and although I'm making it my goal to try and bike 10-12 miles every day, and hit the gym with weights, this isn't enough. So, advice, anyone?


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