
May 16, 2007 11:00

The Short Story:
I've been cutting for about 2.5 months now (decreased caloric intake- weightx11=total calories, 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat, aprox. Lifting5-7 rep max 3 days a week, full body.) And I have lost only 2 lbs, which some weeks are there and some weeks aren't.
The obvious reasons for the continued weight maintenance is that I need to burn more calories or eat less of them, right?
I added HIIT (3 days a week) last week, no changes yet, but I won't freak till next week.

I have a few questions:
Is it just the obvious causes that I need to eat less calories?
Is adding HIIT a good course of action?

More info:
I ran into the trainer I see infrequently today and she said I need to be doing at least 20minutes of straight cardio 3 times a week if I want to see a difference, which goes against what I've read about HIIT...

The Long Story:
In mid Sept. I started with HST, and gained about 15 lbs over a 6 month period, at first I wasn't eating enough to gain at all, so I upped my calories and the weight steadily came on at about a lb. a week.
In February I got my body fat measured, and I was at 17.3%, my trainer suggested I lose some weight expressing concern about visceral fat gain, and the effects on internal organs. I went to maintanance for two weeks then started the cut, and have lost only 2lbs. My strength has definitley gone up, my form has improved, and my intensity during workouts has increased. I've had some days of higher caloric intake (don't really want to say cheating) but they've been infrequent.

Any advice at all?
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