Jan 06, 2005 13:16
haha yea its rly long...equalling how bored i am
[( FIRST )]
First best friend:
that girl..that i used to live next door to on madison...wow..thats not good...
First break-up:
First screen name:
First self purchased album:
*nsync...gosh i love those boys
First funeral:
my great papas
First pets:
fish--my bunnies! <3
First piercing/tattoo:
First credit card:
yet to happen
First true love:
pre-k--no joke--
First enemy:
pre-k that danielle girl...grrr
First big trip: florida
First music you remember hearing in your house:
no idea...beach boys i guess
Last cigarette: smoking kills didnt u kno that?
Last car ride: tuesday night to the mall
Last kiss:
cant remember--sad huh?
Last good cry:
cant remember
Last library book checked out:
checked out..no idea-bought-the great gatsby
Last movie seen:
Last beverage drank:
Last food consumed:
vince de milo soup..yumm
Last crush: do i look like an idiot? im not sayin
Last phone call:
yesterday..to nana :)
Last time showered:
last night
Last shoes worn:
PUMAS!! haha
Last item bought:
Last annoyance: my sister?
Last time wanting to die:
umm i dont think about that..sry...
Last time scolded:
[( r e l a t i o n s h i p s )]
who are your best friends?
omigosh alot lol a few 4
u---srergkkmcamgjgchkhsjlarfbfjbaacmchjsrbnaabtaaajalb--and many more..
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope..single..call me : p
if so who?
i just said no
[( f a s h i o n | s t u f f )]
where is your favorite place to shop? alot of places...hmm... the whole mall..that should cover it
any tattoos or piercings?
1 on my left ear...2 on my right
[( s p e c i f i c s )]
do you do drugs?
what kind of shampoo do you use? thermasilk
what are you most scared of?spiders..snakes..heights (including escalators lol) losing loved ones..and dying
what are you listening to right now?
the radio..daughters..love this song
who is the last person that called you?
my mom?
where do you want to get married? in a church
how many buddies are online right now? 40
what would you change about yourself? hmm..my feet...
[( f a v o u r i t e s
color: PINK!
food: warm apple pie w. ice cream
boys' names:
christopher,will (not william), stephen,anthony,justin, more..not sure what ill name mine tho
girls' names: umm not sure..thinkin of naming my first girl after my nana and grandma..mary grace-very holy lol
subjects in school:
b4 homeroom..lunch w/ my girls..english..gym..
dolphins elephants giraffes
softball gymnastics swimming...anything rly
aura-ae sweet pea-bath and body
axe,fierce, BOD hahaha i love our bod fights in walmart...u smell like boy for a week
[( h a v e | y o u | e v e r
given anyone a bath? my brother when he was a baby
heck no..it kills remember?
bungee jumped?
no..omg i want to but i think id die on the way down
made yourself throw up? eww no..thats gross
skinny dipped? mhm ;-)
ever been in love?
of course
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? 1st grade-got out of detention early...hehe
pictured your crush naked?hahaha
actually seen your crush naked?
cried when someone died? umm..yes..of course..
fallen for your best friend? considering my best friend is a girl..NO
been rejected? mhm
rejected someone?
used someone? nope
done something you regret? mhmm
[( c u r r e n t
clothes: pjs pants shirt and sweatshirt
dare u to move-switchfoot
make-up: burts bees lip balm-so far-
my dad
sweet pea
favorite artist:
right now? kelly clarkson
favorite group:
there rly arent groups anymore..so ill have to go w. the best boy band..nsync..haha
desktop picture:
beauty and the beast..:)
book your reading:
the great gatsby..
cd in player:
kelly clarkson + usher + hanson hahaha
dvd in player:
american dreams!!..or madden 05 got in there
[( l a s t | p e r s o n )]
you touched:
casey-i hit her : P
my brother
you imed:
you kissed:
my mommy goodbye
[( a r e | y o u
i dont kno what that means lol
insecure: nope
nope just ate
hahah sometimes
ehh..sometimes..depending if i got sleep
hardworking: most of the time
o yes
healthy: most of the time
not rly
depends who u ask lol
bored easily:
not usually
hahah all the time
trusting: of course
haha sometimes..
legal: nope...15
[( w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
no one..sry im not a killer
slap: a certain person i cannot say lol
get high with: no one..it kills
look like:
talk to offline:
talk to online:
[( r a n d o m )]
in the morning i am:
all i need is:
? when?
i dream about:
hahah random stuff
what do you notice first: with what? guys? teeth and hair
last person you slow danced with:
worst question to ask:
this one lol
who makes you laugh the most:
mollie. courtney. jillian.
who makes you smile: alot of ppl lol..
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them:
umm yea random..i dunno
who do you have a crush on:
not sayin
who has a crush on you: ? i dunno
[( d o | y o u | e v e r )]
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you:
save conversations:
if need b
wish you were a member of the opposite sex:
umm no
wish you were younger:
cry because someone said something to you:
yea..all depends on what they said tho
[( n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken:
of hearts i have broken:
of guys i've kissed:
2 many 2 count..ahaha no..i dont kno?
of girls i've kissed: 0 thats gross
of continents i have lived in:
1 good ole north america
of tight friends:
wicked tight? 10
of cds i own:
haha no idea
of scars on my body:
umm 3 i think
[( f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s )]
do you like filling these out:
well i was bored
how many people are you sending this to:
none..if they want it they can copy
who will send it back: no one i hope...i just read it in ther lj
least likely to send it back: no one i just said that
gold or silver: silver
what was the last film you saw at the movies:
omg no idea..its ben a long time..i wanna say mean girls but thats way to long ago
favourite cartoon/anime: the jetsons! hahaha
what did you have for breakfast this morning:
didnt have any--unless u count hot chocolate
who would you love being locked in a room with:
hm..anyone...will estes! haha sarah..or a certain southern boy ;-)
could you live without your computer:
haha no
would you colour your hair: nope..i love my hair
could you ever get off the computer:
habla espanol:
a..asi asi
how many people are on your buddy list: 190 ish..after i clean it out ittll probably b 160ish lol
drink alcohol: im a good girl lol sarah
like watching sunrises or sunsets:
both so pretty
what hurts the most: being crushed by a friend
haha wow...rly rly long