*****AM I...***** 1. cute?: definitley. 2. hot?: YOU KNOW IT. 3. sweet?: very. 4. crazy?: WE SANE MAN. 5. loveable?: aww yes, you are my baby. 6. funny?: so funny that it hurts sometimes. 7. annoying?: no. 8. psycho?: you is so psycho. 9. daring?: hm.. sure why not! 10. a good person?: uh, no. good people don't smell. 11. sexy?: MUCHO CALIENTE.
*****WOULD YOU...***** 12. Hug me?: maybe if you showered. 13. Miss me if I was gone?: i would cry every night. 14. Listen to my problems?: i suppose. 15. Hug me if i cried?: again, if you showered.. ;) 16. Be a good friend?: i am so good. 17. Ever go out with me?: ;) 18. If you already have would u do it again?: over and over. 19. Kiss me ((Really))?: whore. 20. Make out with me?: uh, i like bread, sorry.
*****HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW ME?***** 21. When's my birthday?: april 4. 22. How old am I?: 16. 23. What school do I go to?: the building.. dun dun dun. 24. Do i have any siblings: si senor. 25. Who is my most current ex?: well he doesn't count, so no one. 26. Who is my best friend?: sara, warren, alex and i. 27. Who am i crushing on/dating?: :) 28. Favorite animal?: cat/dog. 29. Favorite sport?: gymnasticas. 30. Favorite TV show?: the oc. 31. Favorite song/songs?: konstantine? 32. Favorite music group?: soco, dashboard.
1. cute?: definitley.
2. hot?: YOU KNOW IT.
3. sweet?: very.
4. crazy?: WE SANE MAN.
5. loveable?: aww yes, you are my baby.
6. funny?: so funny that it hurts sometimes.
7. annoying?: no.
8. psycho?: you is so psycho.
9. daring?: hm.. sure why not!
10. a good person?: uh, no. good people don't smell.
11. sexy?: MUCHO CALIENTE.
*****WOULD YOU...*****
12. Hug me?: maybe if you showered.
13. Miss me if I was gone?: i would cry every night.
14. Listen to my problems?: i suppose.
15. Hug me if i cried?: again, if you showered.. ;)
16. Be a good friend?: i am so good.
17. Ever go out with me?: ;)
18. If you already have would u do it again?: over and over.
19. Kiss me ((Really))?: whore.
20. Make out with me?: uh, i like bread, sorry.
21. When's my birthday?: april 4.
22. How old am I?: 16.
23. What school do I go to?: the building.. dun dun dun.
24. Do i have any siblings: si senor.
25. Who is my most current ex?: well he doesn't count, so no one.
26. Who is my best friend?: sara, warren, alex and i.
27. Who am i crushing on/dating?: :)
28. Favorite animal?: cat/dog.
29. Favorite sport?: gymnasticas.
30. Favorite TV show?: the oc.
31. Favorite song/songs?: konstantine?
32. Favorite music group?: soco, dashboard.
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