Summer Days

Jul 17, 2009 17:50

      Yikes, I haven't updated here since February!?! I didn't realize it had been so long. :0 After I post this, I'm going to go respond to all comments and such!
     So much has happened since the last post, so I'll try to condense it. My family problems have been getting worse the past few months, and so I've been struggling to cope with all that entails. On top of that I've had gymnastics (new coach), school finals, and figuring out school next year (looking at local colleges instead of a senior year of high school). On a happy note, I'm going away to the beach for the first week of August with my coach, so I'll be able to get a nice break.

Fandom-wise, I've been filling the lack of new Bones eps with "Twones" (check out the Twitter accounts of Bones and Booth). A few months ago I discovered Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and since then have fallen in love with all things Whedon. I also watched Torchwood: Children of Earth, and thought it was amazing and probably the best season yet -  but I'll say no more until after it airs here. I'm planning on making icons for all of these amazing shows, but I have to get back into the swing of things first!

Anyway, how has everyone's summer been? Any exciting fandom news? Also, I'm always open to recs for new shows. =]

life:, tv:btvs, tv:bones, people:joss whedon, life:school, family:, tv:, tv:torchwood, misc:fandom ramblings, gymnastics:

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