The Internet Has Exploded

Jan 03, 2009 22:12

Seriously, my F-list is flooded with a ton of posts on all the Doctor Who comms in regards to the news about the 11th Doctor.

Welcome to the Who-niverse, Matt Smith.

The BBC today announced that MATT SMITH has been cast in the role of the Doctor in the iconic BBC series Doctor Who. Smith will be the eleventh Time Lord and will take over from David Tennant who leaves the show at the end of 2009. He will be seen in the forthcoming fifth series that will be broadcast in 2010.

The fifth series will also have a new lead writer and Executive Producer in the form of the BAFTA award winning writer Steven Moffat who is taking over from Russell T Davies. Moffat will be joined by Piers Wenger who will be the new Executive Producer for BBC Wales making the show.

Following David Tennant's decision to step down at the end of 2009, the team behind the new series set about casting the new Doctor so that new adventures could be created and scripts written with Matt in mind.

The identity of the new Doctor was revealed on a special edition of Doctor Who Confidential that was broadcast on BBC One on January 3rd at 17.35hrs. In it Smith revealed his initial reaction at taking on such a legendary role and his thoughts on what direction the Doctor might now be going with him playing the part.

Matt Smith said of his new role "I'm just so excited about the journey that is in front of me. It's a wonderful privilege and challenge that I hope I will thrive on. I feel proud and honoured to have been given this opportunity to join a team of people that has worked so tirelessly to make the show so thrilling.

"David Tennant has made the role his own, brilliantly with grace, talent and persistent dedication. I hope to learn from the standards set by him. The challenge for me is to do justice to the show's illustrious past, my predecessors and most importantly to those who watch it. I really cannot wait."

Lead writer and Executive Producer Steven Moffat said "The Doctor is a very special part, and it takes a very special actor to play him. You need to be old and young at the same time, a boffin and an action hero, a cheeky schoolboy and the wise old man of the universe. As soon as Matt walked through the door and blew us away with a bold and brand new take on the Time Lord, we knew we had our man. 2010 is a long time away but rest assured the Eleventh Doctor is coming - and the universe has never been so safe."

Piers Wenger, Head Of Drama, BBC Wales added "With two hearts, a ferocious mind and over 900 years of experience behind him, it's not every 26 year old actor who can take on a role like the Doctor but within moments of meeting Matt he showed the skill and imagination needed to create a Doctor all of his own.

It's just the beginning of the journey for Matt but with Steven Moffat's scripts and the expertise of the production team in Cardiff behind him, there is no one more perfect than him to be taking the TARDIS to exciting new futures when the series returns in 2010."

Ben Stephenson, Controller BBC Drama added "I am delighted to see Matt take on this iconic role. It will see him continuing his relationship with the BBC following his performances in Ruby In The Smoke and Party Animals, and his upcoming role in Moses Jones. The combination of Matt, Steven and Piers will, I know, take Doctor Who onto new and even dizzier heights."

Jay Hunt, Controller. BBC ONE said "Matt Smith will be a mesmerising eleventh Time Lord, true to the spirit of the show. He is a worthy successor to David Tennant who has been utterly remarkable in the role and promises to continue to be in next year's four special episodes."


My first reaction was "He's so young!"(he's 26, the youngest Doctor ever) followed by "Well, he's got the hair at least." xD
I also was not sure he could be the Doctor - all I had to go on was a little picture. I started to change my mind after seeing the picture above && watching this interview(I think it was all the hand motions - they just seemed like the Doctor). I'm going to reserve a final judgment until I actually see him as the Doctor - but I'm feeling a lot better now then I was when I first heard the news. ^-^ (However, it will be hard watching his first episode - I shall dearly miss David Tennant!)

However, I'm shocked at a number of the negative reactions on the comms. So many posters have taken an immediate dislike to poor Matt, mainly because of his age. Some have stated they will no longer be watching Doctor Who, others are claiming Steven Moffat is leading us down a terrible path, etc. While I understand they're recovering from a shock, I can't help but feel horrible for Matt && all of the negative attention he's getting. (The reaction seems very similar to what Robert Pattinson got when he was cast in Twilight as Edward - so many disliked him [including me, since he seemed so un-Edward], yet after it premiered many fans loved him.) I wish he had a better introduction to the fandom, too - he's probably terrified now of all the fangirls/boys. 
However, all of us have got until Spring 2010 to get used to the idea of Matt as 11, && also to say good bye to David Tennant's wonderful, amazing 10. *sniff* Hopefully more people will give Matt a chance, && hold back on judgment until they see him in action. :)

But what are your thoughts on the new Doctor?

On a semi-similar note, I've been thrilled with the Who-themed presents from received at Christmas. The family received Season 2 of Doctor Who "from the cats" lol, && I've been copying some of them onto my iPod to enjoy. With my Christmas money I bought Season 3 of Doctor Who (my brother && sister chipped in to, which is awesome), as well as a couple of Doctor Who books.  I also bought a pair of Converse(not like the Doctor's though) using a giftcard from my sister  (plus a pair of Converse's from my parents), so I'm expecting a couple of packages on my doorstep Monday. ^-^
My sister also received the 'Torchwood Archives' book from my brother, && I highly recommend getting it if you're interested in Torchwood. It has a ton of cool facts about the show - for instance, I was surprised to discover that Tosh && I share the same birthday (September 18th). ^-^

I've gotta go work on my American Lit now. :P

actor:matt smith, family:brother, tv:doctor who:11, tv:doctor who:10, tv:doctor who, books:doctor who, misc:news, tv:, tv:torchwood, family:sister, misc:article, books:, actor:david tennant, holiday:christmas

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