Pain in the Mouth

Sep 26, 2008 09:44

Sorry I haven't been on. I was planning on posting earlier this week, but just now got around to it.

See, on Tuesday I had my two bottom wisdom teeth pulled out. >.< While the procedure itself didn't hurt (since I was kinda knocked out the whole time, && so don't have any memory of what they did to me XD), after the numbing stuff wore off I started feeling the pain, && I'm still feeling it now. I got painkillers, but I'm trying to stay away from them since they make me woozy.
I was pretty lucky though in that I only had to get my two bottom teeth pulled, since apparently I haven't even started growing in the two top ones, && at this point probably never will. I'm really glad of that, since it's already hard to open my mouth, talk, && even smile! I think the last part is what I hate most - it's kind of hard to tell people you're fine when you can't even smile at them. -.-

Also, what did everyone think of Bones!!?!
It was pretty great I thought. I was a little confused at first, since the commercial made it appear that Brennan was going to be hitting on her student (I think his name's Wendell??), yet it turned out that there was very little interaction between the two. (As a side note, I'm starting to think that this guy will end up being Brennan's new assistant, since  don't believe they've given a student this much back story before)
I thought Booth's over-protectiveness was amusing, as was the way Brennan was getting annoyed at him for it.
For example, when the two were interrogating the publisher: (not exact quotes)
PUBLISHER: "Why do you think your picture takes up the whole back cover?"
BRENNAN: "Because I'm the author?"
PUBLISHER:"Because you're a hot scientist chick"
BRENNAN: "Booth!"
BOOTH: "Hey, do not call my partner a chick!"

*snickers* Booth wasn't denying the hot scientist remark, lol. I also thought the ending was kinda cute (though I thought Bones was a little OOC), when Booth comes in to find Brennan ripping up her manuscript because she doesn't want to be a "sexy scientist," && Booth tells her that he can't help being a "sexy FBI agent" just like she can't help being a "sexy scientist."

But OMGosh, ZACH CAME BACK!!!!! Ok, ok, not permanently, but it was so awesome to see him. I loved how it turned out that Hodgins && Angela visit him a lot, as does Sweets (haha, poor Sweets got used XD), Best of all, he didn't actually kill anyone!!! However, I really wish he'd listened to Sweets && told the others that he hadn't actually committed murder - they're so messed up because they think he did. =[

Anyways, I've gotta get started on my school. Which is, IMO, one of the best homeschool-highschool schools around - I've got actual classmates haha =D Seriously though, everything about it is awesome.

life:, tv:bones:zack, tv:bones, tv:bones:season 4, tv:, school:, life:surgery, tv:bones:booth/bones

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