2 Tutorials

May 31, 2008 19:34

STEP 1- Get your image (I got mine from this site). Crop it, scale to 100x100.

STEP 2- Since the picture is blurry I sharpened it. (Filters>Enhance>Sharpen) set to 10

STEP 3- To brighten it up, duplicate the base and set to 'ADDITION' between 10-20% opacity (mine was set to 15%)

STEP 4- Next, duplicate your base again, drag to top. Open up Channel Mixer (Colors>Components>Channel Mixer), put in these settings:
RED: 120, -40, 10
GREEN: -10, 50, 70
BLUE: -40, 50, 100

Set that layer to 'COLOR', with opacity between 80-100% (mine was set to 90%)

STEP 5- Copy the image (Edit>Copy Visible), then paste (Edit>Paste) as a new layer. Sharpen the layer if you wish

STEP 6- Add this texture (made by
cielo_gris to the image.

Set the layer to 'OVERLAY', 30%

STEP 7- Flatten the image. Then sharpen it using Unsharp Mask (Filters>Enhance>Unsharp Mask)
AMOUNT- 0.20

&& that's it! :D

Icons made using similar steps:


.((NOTE: with this tutorial, a lot of settings will require that you experiment, and will often require changes depending on your icon)).

STEP 1- Start with your base (Mine was capped by the amazing dj43). Crop it, scale to 100x100

STEP 2- ((This step is optional, but I find it useful in brightening and balancing out my pictures)) Duplicate your base, then use the Equalize tool (Colors>Auto>Equalize).

((Mine doesn't look too bad, but some images can turn out really ugly.))
Adjust the opacity, setting it around 10%, but it can be more depending on your image. (mine was set to 30%)
My result

STEP 3- Flatten (Image>Flatten Image) the image.

STEP 4- To brighten the icon, duplicate the base, set it to 'SCREEN' around 50% (Mine was set to 40%)

STEP 5- Add a new layer, then fill with color #f3f00d.

Set the layer to 'SOFT LIGHT' around 60% opacity (Mine was set to 60%)

STEP 6- Copy the image (Edit>Copy Visible), and paste as a new layer.

STEP 7- Since the yellow is now dominating the image, open up Channel Mixer (Colors>Components>Channel Mixer), then put in these settings:
RED: 140, -10, -70
GREEN: -2, 95, 37
BLUE: 20, 5, 115

Set that layer to around 90% opacity (95%)

STEP 8- To put some more blue in the image, add a new layer filled with #3c99f8.

Set to 'SOFT LIGHT' between 30-40% (Mine was set to 35%)

STEP 9- To keep the red from getting overwhelmed, add another new layer, fill with #f72e2e.

Set to 'SOFT LIGHT' around 20% (Mine was set to 20%)

STEP 10- I want to add a bit more depth to my image. To do that, duplicate your base and drag it to the top. Then open the Hue-Saturation tool (Colors>Hue-Saturation) and put in the following settings;
HUE: 10 (this will depend a lot on your image - you want to change it so that the peope's skins are not so red)

That doesn't look very pretty, so set the layer to 'SOFT LIGHT', with the opacity depending on your image (mine was set to 30%)

STEP 11- Copy the image (Edit>Copy Visible), paste as a new layer.

STEP 12- Next, open up Color Balance (Colors>Color Balance), putting in these settings
-35, 25, 10
-10, -5, 8
((the goal of this step is to add a blue/green color to the picture, without completely washing out the red))

Then set that layer to 'SCREEN', opacity 30-40% (Mine was set to 35%)

STEP 13- Copy the image (Edit>Copy Visible), paste as a new layer.

STEP 14- I want to brighten the overall icon up a little more. To do that, open up Levels (Colors>Levels), put in these settings:
Input- 20, 1.00, 255
Output- 5, 255
Input- 10,1.25, 255
Output- 5, 250
Input- 5, 1.25, 255
Output- 0, 250
Input- 10, 1.10, 255
Output- 15, 250
(these will need to be adjusted, depending on your image)

STEP 15- duplicate your base again, drag to the top, put in the following settings
HUE: 10 (this one should be pretty close to what you put in for step 10)

As in step 10, it doesn't look very pretty, so set layer to 'SOFT LIGHT', with opacity depending on your image ( Mine was 30%)

You can be done here, but I wanted to fix my image a bit more.

STEP 16- Flatten (Image>Flatten image) the image.

STEP 17- I didn't like how the skin looked rather pixelated, so I duplicated the base. Using the Teardrop Tool with the 'rate' set to 60, I blurred House && Cuddy's skin. I then switched from 'Blur' to 'Sharpen' to sharpen up both of their eyes and Cuddy's lips. I then set the layer to 40% opacity. Since this means some of the areas still look rather pixelated, I set the tool to blur again, with the rate at 30, and blurred the worst areas of skin on the base.

STEP 18- Flatten (Image>Flatten mage) the image again. I then sharpened the image using the Unsharp Mask (Filters>Enhance>Unsharp Mask), with the following settings;
AMOUNT- 0.20

&& you're done! :D



- If you have any questions at all, please ask! I'll get back to you ASAP
- Feel free to WATCH/FRIEND this community
- My other tutorials can be found HERE
- I love seeing results! =D

tv:bones, tv:house md, &&: tutorial

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