(no subject)

May 01, 2011 22:03

I'm not doing well.

I feel numb all the time. Almost like my brain has been locked away, and I can't reach it. Im tired all the time, I can't bring myself to work or exercise because I'm so tired. I'm constantly switching off. I can't concentrate, I can't think. I've got two essays due next week that I cannot even begin to start writing, everytime I try, I get so upset I end up crying and throwing things around. I just can't do it.

I've just spent the last three weeks binging as well. I've gained weight, and I feel disgusting. I need to restrict, but I'm eating mindlessly. I need help, but I don't know where to get it.

Sometimes i miss my anorexia. I am still disordered with eating, but it was so much easier on me to restrict.

I'm scared I'm slipping mentally. I know I am. I went to the doctor, and again she told me to suck it up, I'm not as sick as my mother so clearly i am not sick. Who can I see, to fix this?

I just want to crawl into my bed and not wake up for the next year.

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