Why is it all the morons have my email/number?

Feb 10, 2008 10:33

Just got this in my inbox this morning:

----- Original Message -----
From: Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 8:16 AM ( Read more... )

rants, fate intervenes

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Comments 9

gileswench February 10 2008, 19:19:07 UTC
No you're not the only one who gets these stupid comments. BTW, congratulations. In your shoes I would have been sorely tempted to explain to her that she needs to learn to spell before she can give reasonable criticism of any form of literature. It's 'appalled', not 'apaulled'. Also, she needs to please learn to use proper grammar so as not to confuse people as to how many of her there are and so that people will be certain whether she is asking a question or making a statement of fact ( ... )


gylzgirl February 10 2008, 19:50:50 UTC
Also, she needs to please learn to use proper grammar so as not to confuse people as to how many of her there are

That may not have been grammar. Maybe she was waiting for one of her "others" to come out. :)

Disney, I imagine, would be less sanguine, but they haven't been going out of their way to prosecute writers of PotC fic up to this point and I doubt they will do so now.
Well, as it's not a fan vid using their footage, they haven't seemed to go after the ficcers. And I would think they'd be more likely to go after those who smutfic Snow, Ariel, Cinderella, Aurora etc. first before Pirates, starring a character that seems to have been bloody designed to cause those squidgy thoughts, IMHO. After all, AFF.net isn't exactly unknown and there's nearly 1000 pirates fics there (last I looked) and I haven't heard of any problems ( ... )


gileswench February 10 2008, 20:17:00 UTC
You could do a whole different take on Bambi meets Godzilla :)
I fear you...and yet this is precisely why I'm drawn to you.

I may have to mull over that suggestion. It's so wrong it definitely needs to be done.

And yes, when someone is friends with the likes of John Waters and Tim Burton, it's pretty much a given that person has no fear of smut or a dirty joke. Oh, and he's also friends with Terry Gilliam, whose sense of humor is also often a bizarre combination of sophmoric and sophisticated. For fuck's sake, the man's literary idol is Hunter S. Thompson!!! Fear of smut? I think not.


maddarilke February 11 2008, 01:23:00 UTC
You were quite a lot more polite than *I* would have been, so kudos, honey. WHAT a stupid bitch. Let me guess, she's in league with that crazy lady who wants to ban Harry Potter. Hell, maybe she IS that crazy lady.

Ignore her. My opinion? She's some jealous troll who just decided to bother you. xoxoxo


gylzgirl February 11 2008, 07:12:03 UTC
What truly surprised me was that when I googled her email address (she didn't sign that bit of tripe, what a shock), I only found her one place and that was a review of DMC on MSN. And from the review, she seemed to have Sparrabeth tendencies. *That* kinda bugged me.

Thanks for the support :)



lunafox February 12 2008, 05:00:12 UTC
gylzgirl February 12 2008, 06:29:12 UTC
You do make a girl blush :)

And if I didn't love you for that, I'd luv ya for the TERRIBLE pun. I loves me some bad puns. It's like a drug :)

::contemplating writing Jack/Kraken, Barbossa/Monkey, and Cotton's Parrott/Will's Hat fic and emailing her with it :D ::


laurtew July 2 2008, 07:24:43 UTC
It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets these. Why do people read what they know is going to upset them? Do they not believe the ratings and warnings? Makes me want to tack up one of those signs from the Wizard of Oz, I'd turn back if I was you!

Don't take it to heart. Your work is amazing. Don't let the people who obviously need a less cerebral hobby and a life get to you.

And I agree, you handled it better than I would have. Well, at least more articulately. This is the letter all of us *wish* we could have sent. You go!



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