And before you know it...

Mar 04, 2007 00:53

Suddenly, it's been two months since I've updated. I live, obviously. I've been working a lot, been sick, been having major car problems which has led to me shopping for another car this weekend (and what joy that is *end sarcasm).

Also, that guy that wanted a relationship with me about a year and a half ago, the one I got bad signals from and asked not to contact me again, contacted me again. And, because nobody has really been interested since him, I thought maybe I'd been hasty before, maybe he hadn't been as bad as I thought, so I emailled back. Yeah, huge mistake. I told him I need to take things slow, he responded back in an email basically saying that I needed to "get over myself" and "live life". *bangs head on desk* I think the universe had this happen because I had wondered if I'd been hasty before. No, I wasn't. I was right before. Someday, I'm gonna learn to trust my instincts. Turns out, they seem to be pretty good on this front. I'm so sick of telling guys that I need to go slow and having them go 'Yes, I understand' and then ignoring me completely and expect me to go from not dating at all ever to we're in a relationship. These guys say they want honesty, and then you're flat out with them, and they don't listen. WTF?!

Anyway, I emailled him back telling him that his letter told me everything I needed to know, wished him well and told him not to contact me again. So of course he emailled me again (f*cking control freak) telling me that I was sad and immature blah blah blah. I've reported him. Maybe I am sad and immature but at least I'm not a loser control freak. I honestly think he was just trying to provoke me into writing back. But I'm done. He doean't listen. Not even to "Go AWAY". So there is no point. Why can't I find myself a sci-fi/horror geekboy who isn't a secret psycho? Le Sigh...

For those still tuned in, I haven't written more on Fate Intervenes yet, but I will. I just need a quiet afternoon in which to write it... and it's been elusive of late. Meanwhile, I've had other plot bunnies attacking me with vicious regularity. There is a possible FI sequel in the works (depending on whether it outlines logically or not) so I guess I have to finish the first one first, eh? :) I also have a potentially cool Doctor Who idea, but I have to research that first so it'll be a little while.

Anyhow, I just wanted to check in with you all. I've been online so little lately it seems. I miss you guys!


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