I'd like my "Welcome Freaks" sign removed, please.

Sep 24, 2005 23:03

So that guy I mentioned I'd met online a while ago. We've talked a couple of times. And last night, from the message he left me, I found out that he's become very attached to me, very quickly. And he's expecting me to check in with him every day and when I didn't get back to him for a couple of days, he said he was "getting tired of that". *disbelieving look* I really just don't think there's quite enough "fuck off" in the world in response to that statement.

This guy does not know me. We're barely into the getting to know each other friend level yet. If anything, he fell for the idea of a girl that was into the same things he was into. I've emailed him and told him to have no further contact. I only hope he'll comply with that.

Almost the same situation happened to me in 2000. And I don't get this. I mean, I really really do not get noticed much in a guys being attracted to me kind of way. And then I meet someone who does take a notice once in well what has it been, every 5 years now? And it's like they're ready to get hitched in 24 hours. And I explain that I need things at a slow rate because, again, don't exactly date here. There are likely 14 year olds out there with years more experience than me in this area (unless you count writing smutfic *g*). And the guy nods, and then totally disregards anything I say.

Is this all I can expect? A total freak every 5 years? I have a freak flag, which according to Eddie Izzard means I get my own country, right? {{{sigh}}}

I don't know, I just needed to bitch I guess.

private, rants, personal, dating

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