那天参加了妹妹在共和理工学院的毕业典礼。看她上台领取毕业证书,为她感到非常开心。她的努力和坚持加上我爸妈给她的鼓励终于顺利毕业了。我也希望她顺利的修完她接下来的学位课程。时间过的真快,我从理工学院毕业已经快十年了。现在不认老都不行了!哈哈 。。。最近工作非常忙碌。刚刚从 Penang 回来,现在又在忙着筹备下个礼拜到美国的资料。你可以用“一波未平,一波又起“ 来形容我现在的心情。真的是忙到爆炸!可能是应为现在市场低迷,朋友们都觉得能有这么多工作是好事一幢。没办法啦谁叫我出身低微,任命吧!是不是觉得这段话很熟悉。哈哈!
My sister invited us to her poly graduation ceremony @ Republic Polytechnic. This isn’t my first time attending function celebrating academic achievement; Graduates are naturally more excited and hope to look their best on stage. This is probably the reason why my sister woke up early in the morning to doll up herself. Hahaha …
If you have never attended a graduation before, you might assume it to be like the guests clap politely as students walk to receive their certificate and yourself to wait for your friend/family members to go on stage and you will take some photographs. You are not wrong; this is supposed to be how it works. However, a typical Singapore graduation ceremony doesn’t go this way. There will be very minimum cheering, some stifled applauding (obviously from the family members and friends), or basically virtual silence. Like it or not this is what I observed from the several graduation ceremonies attended
Below are some photos taken: -
She took photos with my parents and younger sister ...
Me taking a shot with them .... mhahahaha!