Hey y'all! :3 G' here again, bothering you guys for the I-don't-know-how-many-th time.
I came back from AnimeFest yesterday that went on this Labor Day weekend in Dallas, Texas....you know what that means. PICTURES!! There was indeed an Ace Attorney photoshoot on Sunday with many characters (including but not limited to a Dahlia, two Godots, two Kay Faradays, a Judge with a boombox, and even an April May!) and I was a part of it cosplaying Byrne Faraday. I got tons of pictures of it if anyone wants to see them, especially if you were there at the shoot!
http://s6.photobucket.com/albums/y214/Ginga270/ANIMEFEST%202010/?start=180 This is just my general AnimeFest album of me and my groupies' entire trip (I didn't want to DARE putting them all in one LJ entry DX so I put them on my Photobucket in their own album). I skipped ahead to the page where the Ace Attorney shoot starts. Feel free to look around at all of the other pictures though since there's a ton. I was Byrne for three out of the four days and there were pictures of the costume, not to mention pictures of other Ace Attorney people that weren't at the shoot (like an Apollo with a Klavier and a Phoenix/Edgeworth duo) and other cosplays from different series...and just general A-Festness.
If anyone else was at AnimeFest, drop a comment! I would love to at least wave hi to anyone who was there even if you weren't cosplaying an Ace Attorney person. The con is small so we probably ran into each other several times. :D Otherwise, enjoy the pictures and read all the descrips that come with them, they (sort of) explain what was going on. XD;