Title: Preparing the Defense
Word Count: 150
Prompt + Side: Hero + Prosecution
Characters: Miles + Gregory Edgeworth
Balancing on his tip-toes, he regards himself in the bathroom mirror, fidgeting with his bowtie.
It's important he looks his best today.
Satisfied that he hasn't a hair out of place, he turns for his briefcase, resting it on the counter. It opens with a pronounced snap, and he checks its contents carefully: peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch; pencil and paper for taking notes; the legal dictionary Father gave him for Christmas; a book of crosswords in case he gets bored. Not that he ever does, but Father insists, just in case.
"Ready?" Gregory asks from the doorway, startling Miles and breaking his concentration.
Miles looks up at his father, wearing his fine tweed suit, sharp leather briefcase in hand. But as always, Miles' eyes are drawn to the bright golden badge on his lapel, and he cannot resist the proud smile that works its way onto his lips.