Please re-add
professor_skye (and make sure
officercapslock is added as well) to your friends lists - Lana is being taken over by some guy calling himself Basch fon Rosenberg of Dalmasca. I asked him if he was a captain but he said not anymore. :D
Edit: Yes, he'll be dropping
foxylittleplum before he starts up as her. :Da
Edit edit: Yes, this means that Plum will be open for apping now. :O Big Wins will also be available for taking (please step up, Wocky will need parents~ ;o; )
I'd suggest you use the
LJ admin console, as always - it's been updated from before.
friend add 3rd_floor_view
friend remove a_lotta_photos
friend add absolutekarma
friend add ace_detective
friend add acehighmarshall
friend add aprilshowersx3
friend add aspiring_lawboy
friend add autodidakt
friend add avarita_tiala
friend remove avenge_ini
friend add bentriloquism
friend remove byrde_watcher
friend remove carrotclown
friend add compromisedwin
friend add coughupqueen
friend remove cracksthewhip
friend add crime_computer
friend add deathlyfey
friend remove desmainscuir
friend add divaofglobal
friend add droehnendrecht
friend remove epic_hair_toss
friend add fabulous_max
friend add foxesalwayswin
friend add foxylittleplum
friend add foxystyle_punk
friend add fragrant_coffee
friend add glass_andrews
friend remove grossberg
friend add hazakura_maiden
friend add heartlandhart
friend add inimeenymimi
friend add just_robes
friend add la_pretty_girl
friend add lucky_yellow
friend add mediumfey
friend remove mike_meekins
friend add miles_distant
friend add minty_grin
friend remove miss_cadaverini
friend remove miz_fortune
friend add musical_cocoon
friend add officercapslock
friend add officerscruffy
friend remove pink_april
friend remove powersofwill
friend add professor_skye
friend add quick_fingers
friend add redd_white
friend add saltyolddoc
friend add samurai_gr33n
friend add scarred_actor
friend add science_duh
friend add smallmedium
friend add smellslikebutz
friend add speedy_delite
friend add stylish_snob
friend add sunny_delite
friend add super_genius_03
friend add theybecomestars
friend remove this_is_sparda
friend add tigertigre
friend remove toosweetdelight
friend add truemagic
friend add unlucky_byrde
friend remove wendy_oldbag
friend add wild_mare
friend add wrightswrongs
friend add yanniyogi
Our first trial event is coming up to its conclusion. Have you been keeping up?!