Jan 24, 2010 04:32
Let me share a story with you. I like my apartment. I find it to be comfortable and I get along well with my roommates. But every now and then somebody in my apartment building throws a party. A loud one. Usually, this happens when I'm suffering insomnia anyway, so it doesn't keep me up or anything. If I wanted to I could probably show up to the party, but I don't because the stuff that's going on doesn't appeal to me. I find enjoyment in different ways, usually in smaller gatherings where we don't gather as much attention to ourselves. So whenever I get annoyed by the loud noises the partyers make I usually distract myself with something else or drown out the sounds by listening to music or whatever. And I know there are other people in the building who are the same way. The stupid thing is, I could do something about it, or at least try. I could go over and politely ask them to stop, say they're annoying me and if they could please hold it back a bit. I could totally lose my cool and just stick my head out the door and tell them all to shut the fuck up. Or I could go to the front office and tell the people there that I just don't like what's going on. But I haven't done any of these things, for some reason. And I get increasingly frustrated every time I decide to bite my tongue and not disrupt things. But damn, I wish that neighbor would stop throwing his stupid, loud as hell parties.
Now this all does happen, literally. But now that I think about it applies metaphorically pretty damn well to DAR2 as well.