Long awaited update

Sep 15, 2007 14:47

Recently several people have poked me about updating my blog, and finally enough thing have come to a resolution that I feel I can give some kind of report.

My lack of bloging or the last few months has been due to my life being on hold for many reasons, mostly due to my health.  Years ago before I left Col. I was having migraine headaches,  I attempted to control them through my diet and had limited success.  Late last year it really came to a head and I started restricting what I could eat and by spring time I was only eating fresh meats, brown rice or Kenowa, and green leafy veggies.  Although I was no longer have migraines I was loosing weight rapidly and generally feel like hell all the time, with stomach pain and other issues, depression, fatigue, among other things.  I was starving and rather messed up.  It was very hard and I was dieing slowly.  I went to see many Dr.s and had a lot of testing done.  They discovered a few sever issues, like colon cancer (was removed), stones in my kidneys, and a spot in my liver. None of these were causing my issues, but they also determined that I do not have a lot of things; diabetes, crones, gluten intolerance, autoimmune deficiencies, food allergies, metal poisoning, the list goes on.  That was good to know but still not the cause of my weight loss or migraines.  Recently after several annoying tests, they discovered that I am not absorbing fat, due to lack of pancreatic function.  Seems that the proper enzymes are just not being produced, but they do not know why, as I am not an alcoholic.

So I still have to see another specialist, and start taking enzymes to correct it.

I am now able to eat a lot more normally than previously as I have been slowly incorporating things back into my diet.  My weight has stabilized and I am no longer loosing it but not really gaining it back either.  When I left Col. I was at 225-235, down from 265 at my heaviest, in June of this year I was at 190.

Now I am feeling better with more energy and stamina, less digestive issues and hope for a healthier future.

Now I will try to recap some of my summer then on to current events.

My road trip to Ohio was a very mixed bag, I had many difficult times, issues with my truck and trailer like 3 blown tires and a failed fuel pump, (the main one that distributes the fuel to the pistons) and issues with the oil, (finding it in route and having my system freeze up  in Wyoming)   I will save you the boring stories of driving across country solo, but I did see rainbows, a fox, and some other cool stuff.  I was able to transport people stuff (off Crag’s list) for some $ and that part actually went well.

Seeing people in Columbus was very nice, getting caught up and reminiscing, I have many friends who are really great and wish the best for all of them, thanks for making my stay very pleasant. It was weird being at Com-Fest, as I have not been since they dissed me so hard back in the early 2000’s.  I had a good time but was annoyed by the self-congratulatory feelings of ‘how great we all are for being peaceful all weekend and green washing’.  But that may be just my bad attitude about the event, (and neo-eco-hippies), it was still a covenant place to see lots of old friends…

The midsummer was slow for me, working to pay my back rent and prepare for Burning Man and Robodock.  I was going to be a part of the Green pavilion under the man, and help with BMIR (official radio station of BM, TradeMark G and Eric M both work there)

But those plans were changed, as were the plans to goto Amsterdam.

Why you ask?  Because I am going to be the side-kick on a second tier cable show, called GOMI style.  My buddy Marque (WaterBoy) Cornblatt, has a contract with Discovery Networks for 13 episodes. You may have seen my post about the Electric Motorcycle conversion I did earlier this year, well his posting on U-Tube along with other episodes got their attention and in March Discovery’s Green Planet network (Currently Discover Home) will start and they feel his work will fit right in.  Originally we were going to be shooting by now but things got pushed back.  So I get to go to Robodock, that is if I can find a flight..  I am very excited about working on this project as we will have a large amount of creative control, and freedom.

The delays in shooting allowed me to goto BM07, I worked before the event on the Mechabolic  http://www.whatiamupto.com/mechabolic/index.html, a large self propelled ‘café racer slug’ that runs on Bio-Gas.  This got me a free ticket and I went mostly as a tourist, getting there Wednesday and leaving Sunday night.  I missed the early burning of the man, although I camped with the guy who did it my first time in 99, we talked of doing an early burn then, and every year after.  Many people are very upset with his action and many are happy with it.  It really has set the ‘old school VS new school’ burners apart.  Both sides have views that are correct as the event has change dramatically in the past 5 years much less 10.  Its hard to say what wil happen in the future of this event, there are already lawsuits between the 3 people who started it in the 90d’s and several groups of disgruntled ex-employees and volunteers.  It will be interesting to see what develops from all this, many people believe that the event has well past its tipping point ad jumped the shark. The population is now officially around 50k and with ½ of that being newbees, it is becoming more safe and easy to attend.  Public services, organized and structured events, theme camps, education and out-reach programs.  It has become quite the entity itself. What was once an anarchistic week end it the desert is now trying to become some type of social movement.  But to what end?  The 10 principals are not followed by the promoters or the population. And are easily interpreted for personal benefit, not to mention often contrary to themselves. How can you be radically inclusive and self reliant at the same time?  How is it participatory to watch 45min of firespining before the Man burns..  The list goes on.  Only time will tell, I may or may not go next year, I think its time to move on and make more robots!!!

That is my plan right now, to pay off my debts, and make a robot.  I also want to make my Machine art opera happen someplace in the future..  I thought BM would be a good location, it may still happen there, or not..

Now, I am just trying to get to Robodock, wish me luck. 
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