
(no subject)

Jun 09, 2006 14:45

They need a best of Slashdot commentary site (a la Bash.org)... My method of reading /. has always been: look for a suitably stupid / controversial article with lots of commentary, filter by highest ratings and then look for amusing posts. Today gave me this gem:

1st poster:
Wait, wasn't sony buying apple? No wait. Disney was buying apple. No, crap. Pixar is buying disney. No that's not it. Microsoft bought apple back in '95! No, that's not right.

I'm so confused.

2nd poster:
I'm so confused.

Sheesh. The incompetence around here. IBM is buying Apple. Actually, before that happens, Apple will buy Nintendo. Then IBM will buy Sun, at which point IBM/Sun/Apple/Nintendo (iSunNipple) will buy out Disney/Pixar. From there, world domination is pretty much assured, as iNippleDix will be unstoppable.
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