At least it wasn't boring

Nov 10, 2006 08:29

Wrote this yesterday after witnessing an act of violence in Civic yesterday afternoon...


Sitting having coffee & I just witnessed a “junkie-looking guy” knock another guy down (one swift backhand to the face, and the guy didn’t get up again, which, having been hit in the face before, kinda surprises me), said something, probably vulgar, and walked of like the arrogant looking fuck he seemed to be. People stood around shocked, someone ran off to get the police, and three constables dragged him back about ten minutes later.

I’d say I don’t want to sound biased, but fuck that shit, I am biased. If there is one class of people I won’t trust, its junkies, but hay, that’s me. The part that I find mildly distressing is that I say “junkie-looking guy” while I’m telling Ash what happened, and everyone immediately knows (a) what type of person I’m talking about and (b) he probably was a junkie, because that’s what we expect from them. Then the questions start, people, regulars here, asking “was it the jelly bean guy?” or “was it the punching guy?”. Well all know these people. We all know how they act, the generics and the specifics. And, it seems, none of us regards them as human.

I don’t. Or, maybe more accurately, in my mind they are already dead. I’ve lost friends to heroine, and although they didn’t physically die after they started using, the person they used to be no longer existed.

I’m not sure that there is a point here. I just think I’m concerned by the general lack of regard for other, admittedly worthless, people (I can’t call them human). Weird when I have no problem with that attitude in myself. Double standards? Probably, but the world doesn’t work without them.

random thoughts, fuckwits, canberra is tiny, drugs, writing

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