
Apr 13, 2008 15:06

uræus: (n) A representation of the sacred asp, snake, or serpent, or of its head and neck, employed as an emblem of supreme power, sometimes specifically as worn on the headdress of ancient Egyptian divinities and sovereigns.

murex: (n) 1. Any of various predatory gastropod molluscs of the genus Murex or the family Muricidae, found in tropical and temperate seas, which are distinguished by spiny shells and from some of which the crimson dye called Tyrian purple was formerly obtained.
2. The deep crimson dye obtained from shellfish of the family Muricidae and much valued as a symbol of royal or imperial rank; the colour of this dye. Also called Tyrian purple.

realgar: (n) The native or factitious disulphide of ARSENIC, also called red(sulphide or sulphuret of) arsenic and red orpiment, used as a pigment and in pyrotechnics.

factitious: (adj) 1. Made by or resulting from art; artificial.
2. Of soil, etc.: Produced by special causes, not forming part of the original crust of the earth.
3. Got up, made up for a particular occasion or purpose; arising from custom, habit, or design; not natural or spontaneous; artificial, conventional.
4. In Medicine: Of a disorder, symptom, or sign: feigned or self-induced by a patient. Later (Psychiatry): (designating any of a group of disorders) feigned or self-induced solely in order to obtain medical attention.

orpiment: (n) 1. More fully yellow orpiment. Arsenic trisulphide, As2S3, a bright yellow mineral of the monoclinic system which occurs naturally as prismatic crystals or massive deposits and was formerly used as a dye or artist's pigment. Also called yellow arsenic and (as a pigment) king's yellow.
2. red orpiment n. the mineral realgar; arsenic monosulphide, AsS.

spinney: (n) 1. A thorn-hedge.
2. A small wood or copse, esp. one planted or preserved for sheltering game-birds; a small clump or plantation of trees.

felly: (n) The exterior rim, or a part of the rim, of a wheel, supported by the spokes. In pl. the curved pieces of wood which, joined together, form the circular rim of a wheel.

intaglio: (n) 1. A figure or design incised or engraved; a cutting or engraving in stone or other hard material.
2. The process or art of carving or engraving in a hard material; incised carving as opposed to carving in relief; the condition or fact of being incised. Chiefly in phrase in intaglio, as opposed to in rilievo or in relief.
3. Anything ornamented with incised work; esp. a precious stone having a figure or design cut on its surface, an incised gem. Opposed to cameo.
4. A mould of something to be cast or struck in relief; a countersunk die.

delft: (n) A kind of glazed earthenware made at Delf or Delft in Holland; originally called Delf ware.

pein/peen: (n) The end of a hammer head opposite the face; (formerly) spec. the sharp or thin end.

swage: (n) 1. Alleviation, relief.
2. The excrement of the otter.
3. An ornamental grooving, moulding, border, or mount on a candlestick, basin, or other vessel.
4. A circular or semicircular depression or groove, as on an anvil
5. A tool for bending cold metal (or moulding potter's clay) to the required shape; also, a die or stamp for shaping metal on an anvil, in a press, etc.
6. An adjustable tool used by carpenters and joiners for marking lines parallel to the edge of a board.

pritchel: (n) 1. Any of various sharp-pointed instruments or tools for prodding, cutting, making holes, etc.
2. A pointed tool used for punching or enlarging the nail-holes in horseshoes.

hardie/hardy: (n) The vertical bar or blade of hard iron with a sharp edge, on which nailmakers cut or strike off the shaped nail from the iron rod; also, a movable piece, called also ‘fuller’, fitting into a socket in an anvil, used for similar purposes by blacksmiths.

sough: (v) 1. To make a rushing, rustling, or murmuring sound.
2. To utter in this manner.
3. To draw the breath heavily or noisily; to sigh deeply.
4. With away: To breathe one's last; to die.
5. To hum (a tune).
6. To utter in a sighing or whining tone.
7. To face or build up (a ditch) with stone, etc.
8. To make drains in (land); to drain by constructing proper channels.
9. To reach, or get into, a sough.

sough: (n) 1. A rushing or murmuring sound as of wind, water, or the like, esp. one of a gentle or soothing nature.
2. A canting or whining manner of speaking, especially in preaching or praying.
3. A deep sigh or breath.
4. A rumour; a report.
5. A boggy or swampy place; a small pool.
6. A small gutter for draining off water; a drain, a sewer, a trench.
7. A subterranean drain to carry off the water in a mine; an adit of a mine.
8. A ploughshare.

adit: (n) 1. An approach; spec. a horizontal opening by which a mine is entered, or drained.
2. The action of approaching or coming to; access, entrance, approach.

catkin: (n) A unisexual inflorescence, consisting of rows of apetalous flowers ranged in circles along a slender stalk; the whole forming a cylindrical, downy-looking, and generally pendant part, which falls off in a single piece after flowering or ripening; as in the willow, birch, poplar, pine, hazel, etc.; a deciduous spike; an amentum.

reify: (v) To convert mentally into a thing; to materialize.

noetic: (adj) 1. Of a process, faculty, etc.: characterized by or involving intellectual activity or, more narrowly, intellectual intuition; of or relating to knowledge or the intellect, cognitive.
2. In phenomenology: of or relating to the act or processes of perceiving or thinking.
3. Of an object, idea, etc.: apprehended by, or belonging to the realm of, pure intellect; purely abstract or intellectual, transcendental.
4. Given to intellectual speculation. Chiefly with reference to a school of thought that arose during the 19th cent. at Oriel College, Oxford.
(n) 5. The branch of knowledge that deals with the intellect (pl)
6. That which has a purely intellectual existence or basis.
7. A person given to intellectual speculation.

definitions, language

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