And I'm back!

Jan 02, 2008 12:21

So, I'm back from Maryland. It was a great trip. The folks and I got along fine. My dad even took me to the Library of Congress one day, which was his idea, not mine, and thus proves that he both knows me better than I thought and can be incredibly thoughtful. I'd never been, so it was an incredible experience. We took the tour, and got our readers cards so we could actually go in the reading rooms. I even requested the 1724 edition of Captain Johnson's A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates from the rare book room and got to actually touch it and see the original engravings and everything. It was a book-geek's dream.

My brother and I ended up giving each other the same thing for Christmas -- a 'gift certificate' for lunch and a movie. So we had two days of lunch and a movie together, which was very nice. He and I get along great now, and I wish I could see him more often.

And I got to see danorsong, who I hadn't seen in years!

I'll have to do a separate post later detailing some of the cool stuff I got for $WINTERHOLIDAY.

christmas, friends, holidays, family

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