A Proposal and shameless begging.

May 16, 2007 15:13

As some of you know, I am working on a book that will be a reader's guide/annotated bibliography to retold fairy tales in modern genre fiction. Toward that end, I am trying to build a representative, if not comprehensive, collection of said books. I have some, certainly, but there are many many more out there . .

To help, I have created an Amazon wishlist of titles that fall into this category (yes, several of them are Romance titles, this should be interesting). The list is here. And I am asking for your help. If any of you want to contribute to my project by buying books off the list for me, I will include your name in the acknowledgements when my book finally gets published. Most of them are pretty cheap used.

And because I'm greedy, I will be posting this info every month until the project is done, which will probably be in a couple of years :)

Hey, it's my journal. I can beg if I want to.

work, fairy tale project

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