Busy busy week

May 18, 2005 11:11

Things that still need to be done for the move:

  • Cancel electric service at current apartment
  • Cancel phone service at current apartment
  • Cancel internet service at current apartment
  • Transfer current lease to Tommy's name
  • Request medical records from student health center
  • Buy plane tickets to Baltimore for Nick's graduation
  • Change address with post office
  • Get large cat carrier for Siobhán
  • Rent Truck
  • Set up internet service at new apartment
  • Request MRI record
  • Get graduation confirmation sent to LSU
  • Take car in for oil change and check-up
  • Change address with insurance, credit card, etc.
  • Change address with SC Treasurer's office
  • Finish packing

Yeah, it's going to be a busy week and a half. Most of these things simply take a phone call or two, but still. Busy.

move, administrivia

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