
Apr 01, 2005 14:30

So the sun was shining this morning when I decided to go spend my Walmart gift certificate from Christmas on a porch garden.

I went a little overboard, and spent about twice the gift certificate, and by the time I got home it had started raining, but the porch is covered so that was no big deal. The lease prevents me from actually digging a garden in the yard, but nothing is said about porch boxes, so I now have two boxes and several different sized pots decorating our (rather large) covered porch.

One of the boxes has parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme (in that order -- I've always wanted to do that). The other has phylox, dianthus, and petunias. In addition there's another large pot with chives, basil, dill, and spearmint. In various small to medium decorated pots I have a strawberry plant, some more petunias, oregano (which actually has little purple flowers), mexican heather, and catnip.

The result is pleasing to both the eye and nose -- the porch is just the right size for that number of plants. Standing on the porch has a garden feel without being so cluttered as to be overwhelming.

I'm hoping the strawberry plant will actually produce a few decent strawberries, and I plan to use the herbs as well.

All in all a fun morning/early afternoon.

Now I'm going to take a shower (I'm still rather dirty), and spend some serious time doing thesis work. I really need to make myself focus on that. The final product has to be approved in about 3 weeks, and I'm definitely not where I should be yet.

flora, nature, garden, thesis

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