(no subject)

Mar 11, 2005 20:22

So I've edited the parts of my old thesis that I think work well as part of the intro to the new thesis. I was a little worried about going off on my analysis of Carter and her work and the genre she created and not enough on the biographical and critical history of the work I'm studying, but after reading the introductions to the other two annotated bibliographies my thesis advisor has advised, those author did the same thing.

The stuff I've edited out of the old thesis fills 13 pages. The introduction is supposed to be 15-20 pages. Tomorrow I'm going to bang out a 1 page mini-biography of Carter, and 1 page summary of the critical reception of The Bloody Chamber, a 1-2 page statement of project purpose and scope, and a 1/2 page statement justifying the format. Add that to what I have and I'll have about 17-18 pages. That'll be my first draft. I can send it to my advisor on Monday, and she can critique it how she wants. If she decides I've spent too much time on my own theories and not enough on the history of my subject, it can be revised later. But I don't think it's going to be too much of a problem.


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