
Jun 28, 2011 19:01

orthogonal: (adj) 1. Designating a right angle; (also) having a right angle; right-angled; rectangular.
2. Relating to or involving right angles; at right angles (to something else).
3. In Mathematics: Of a linear transformation of a vector space: preserving lengths and angles; leaving unchanged the inner product of any two vectors.
4. Of a square matrix: representing an orthogonal transformation; such that the rows (and likewise the columns) are orthonormal when considered as vectors; equal to the inverse of its transpose.
5. Designating the group of all orthogonal matrices of a given order.
6. Of two vectors or functions: perpendicular; having an inner product equal to zero. Of a set of vectors or functions: such that the inner product of any two elements is zero if and only if the two are distinct. Also: involving such factors or functions.
7. In Statistics: Of a set of variates: statistically independent. Of an experimental design: such that the variates under investigation can be treated as statistically independent.

orthonormal: (adj) In Mathematics: Of a set, especially a basis for a vector space: such that any two elements are orthogonal and that the inner product of any element with itself is unity.

intension: (n) 1. The action of stretching, tension; straining.
2. Strenuous exertion of the mind or will; earnest attention, intentness; resolution, determination.
3. Increase of degree or force; augmentation, intensification. (Opposed to remission.)
4. In Evolution: Generating or breeding with each other; interbreeding.
5. Degree, especially notable degree, of some quality, etc.; intensity, depth, strength, force. Often contrasted with extension in sense of width of range.
6. In Logic: The internal quantity or content of a notion or concept, the sum of the attributes contained in it; the number of qualities connoted by a term

chiliastic: (adj) Of, pertaining to, or holding the doctrine of the millennium; millenarian.

historicity: (n) Historic quality or character (opposed to legendary or fictitious).

fustilarian: (n) Fustilugs; A person, especially a woman, of gross or corpulent habit; a fat, frowzy woman.

exudate: (n) An exuded substance.

exudativory: (adj) Feeding on gum and other exudates (that which oozes out or diffuses) from trees.

strepsirrhine: (adj) Of or belonging to the Strepsirrhini, one of two suborders of primates, containing lemurs and lorises.

velarium: (n) 1. In Roman History: A large awning used to cover a theatre or amphitheatre as a protection against sun or rain.
2. In Zoology: A thin marginal rim on the bell of certain hydrozoans.

chase: (v) 1. To adorn (metal, plate, etc.) with work embossed or engraved in relief; to engrave a surface.
2. To set with (gems, etc.).
3. To ‘set’ (a gem, etc.) in.

lacis: (n) 1. A kind of lace made by darning patterns on net.
2. In Anatomy: A network of cytoplasm occupying the space between the juxtaglomerular apparatus and the macula densa of a renal corpuscle.

juxtaglomerular: (adj) In Anatomy: Situated next to a glomerulus of the kidney; juxtaglomerular apparatus, a structure variously considered to comprise (a) a juxtaglomerular body alone, (b) one of these bodies and a macula densa, or (c) (also juxtaglomerular complex) one of each of these, together with lacis cells and the afferent and efferent arterioles of a glomerulus; juxtaglomerular body, a mass of tissue scattered along the wall of the afferent arteriole of a glomerulus, composed of cells ( juxtaglomerular cells) with conspicuous cytoplasmic granules, believed to be the site of renin secretion.

macular: (adj) In Biology or Medicine: Of or relating to maculae or macules; characterized by the presence of maculae or macules. Also: of, relating to, or involving the macula of the retina

afferent: (adj) Bringing or conducting inwards or towards. Chiefly in Physiology as afferent nerves, vessels.

efferent: (adj) In Physiology: Conveying outwards, discharging.

glomerulus: (n) In Botany 1. A cluster or head of flowers.
2. A soredium.
In Biology 3. A compact cluster of small organisms, animal tissues, etc.; especially a group or plexus of capillary blood vessels, as those in the Malpighian corpuscles of the kidney.

soredium: (n) In Botany: A thallus-bud or cell in lichens.

palmate: (n) In Chemistry: A salt or ester of palmic acid.

definitions, language

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