(no subject)

Mar 29, 2010 13:57

One of the problems of having a multiple cat household is that when you find something they've done that is so heinous it warrants immediate execution it's hard to know which cat to kill. Unlike dogs, cats don't look guilty when they know they've done something wrong. If anything, they look smug, but since that's a pretty common look on a cat, it's hard to tell who's smug because they did something dastardly and who's smug just because they happen to be a cat.

This morning, I was woken by howls of displeasure. Seems the cats had the midnight munchies, and the food bowl, which had had a respectable amount in it when I went to bed, was now empty. I've been trying to hold off on grocery shopping until after my paycheck hits on Wednesday, so there was no extra food in the house. Since this is my day to work late (and thus sleep late) I grumpily told them they wouldn't die with no food for a few hours and went back to bed. When I finally did get up, I went to the store and bought them more food, and they were happy. I thought all was fine. Until I went to get ready for work and picked up my work bag, which is actually just an old conference totebag I use to carry books and things back and forth from work.

In their indignation about their bowl not being *immediately* filled, it seems *someone* decided to express their displeasure by peeing on my bag. Unfortunately no one was willing to cop to it, so there wasn't much I could do.

*sigh* The bag's a total loss, although luckily there were no important papers in it. There were three books however, all of which took some damage. The two paperbacks are easily replaced (I was going to give one away anyway) but there was also a near-irreplaceable hardcover from my Harvard Classics series I got for my high school graduation. The faux-leather cover protected it somewhat, but I still had to sponge off the individual pages and hope it doesn't warp *too* much when it dries.

I wish I had one of those cool things like on CSI that can extract DNA from bodily fluids so I can find the exact culprit and string them up by their whiskers from the ceiling.

Stupid cats.


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