
Dec 07, 2009 16:31

ritornelle/ritornello: (n) An instrumental refrain, interlude, or prelude in a vocal work.

stitch: (n) 1. The act of cutting or dividing the earth with the share in ploughing; the (greater or lesser) depth to which the share is driven in making a furrow.
2. A ridge or balk of land; especially a strip of ploughed land between two water-furrows; also, a narrow ridge in which potatoes, etc. are grown.

lex/lax: (n) A salmon; in later use some particular kind of salmon.

preclusion: (n) 1. The action of precluding; the action or fact of preventing the occurrence of something, especially by anticipatory measures; prevention, restriction.
2. In U.S. Law: The barring of evidence, testimony, claims, etc., from a trial.

interfiliate: (v) To blend or combine multiple origins or affiliations.

logogriphics: (n) The study of logogriphs: A kind of enigma, in which a certain word, and other words that can be formed out of all or any of its letters, are to be guessed from synonyms of them introduced into a set of verses. Occasionally used for: Any anagram or puzzle involving anagrams.

treponema: (n) In Biology and Medicine: An anærobic spirochæte of the genus of this name, the members of which are parasitic or pathogenic in man and warm-blooded animals and include those causing syphilis and yaws.

spirochæte: (n) A genus of bacteria having a highly twisted spiral form; in modern use, any bacterium of the order Spirochætales, comprising actively motile non-spore-forming organisms having a helical form.

erysipelas: (n) A local febrile disease accompanied by diffused inflammation of the skin, producing a deep red colour; often called St. Anthony's fire, or ‘the rose’.

febrile: (adj) 1. Of a person: Affected by, or suffering from, fever.
2. Of or pertaining to fever; produced by or indicative of fever; feverish.

aphonia: (n) In Medicine: the inability to speak.

definitions, language

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