Book #73 -- Francesco Colonna (?), Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: The Strife of Love in a Dream, 466 pages.
What can I possibly say about this? It is, by far, the weirdest book I have ever read. Published in 1499, it's a dream-allegory full of bizarre events, florid architectural descriptions that go on for pages, and unabashedly sexualised encounters, complete with detailed woodcut illustrations. I've literally taken four years to read this thing (and no, not once in those four years has anyone requested I return the library's copy, which tells you just how little it's in demand). That said, I'm glad I read it, just for the experience of knowing how crazy the Renaissance can be.
Book #74 -- Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind, 722 pages.
Oh gods. This was an *incredible* book. The best high fantasy novel I've read in years. Once you pick this up, it *will* be difficult to put down. I had to tear myself away several times and put it on the shelf for a few days because I had things to do. Otherwise I would have just stayed up all night until it was finished. It's going to be hard waiting for the next one.
Book #75 -- Lewis Harris, A Taste For Red, 169 pages.
This is a teen vampire novel with a twist. Quick and fun to read.
Progress toward goals: 251/365 = 68.8%
Books: 75/100 = 75.0%
Pages: 19196/30000 = 64.0%
2009 Book List cross-posted to
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