
Jul 25, 2009 17:32

About 95% of the results you get when you google "Gwynhefar" are me. The rest refer primarily to a blurb about Mists of Avalon that misspelled the character's name in the book (I admit, in fact, that that misspelled blurb is where I got my particular spelling variant of the name, although the book was not the inspiration for taking the name), an apparent short story by Mercedes Lackey I've never read, and a handful of other random people who have the audacity to use what I've already claimed.

I had no idea I'd created quite that large an internet footprint. And that's only the ones where I used the full "Gwynhefar" name. The google results for "Gwyn Raven" are a bit more ambiguous, due to the aforementioned Lackey's unfortunate use of the hyphenated last name Gwyn-Raven for her psychic dynasty, something that, in fact, interfered quite a bit with my enjoyment of the series when I read them, since I had already been using the name Gwynhefar Raven for quite some time before I got around to reading Lackey's books, and to see what I already considered *my* name popping up on every other page was quite distracting.

names, internet

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