50bookchallenge, 15000pages

Mar 18, 2009 18:48

Book #29 -- Jenni Bergel et al., City Adrift: New Orleans Before and After Katrina, 168 pages.

City Adrift is a collection of essays published by the Center for Public Integrity. Each essay focuses on a particular aspect of the Katrina disaster and recovery effort, including the environmental factors, health care failures, politics, the fate of prisoners and the criminal justice system, and housing and insurance. Each essay explores either a contributing factor to the disaster, or a social system that failed in the aftermath, and provides a basic overview of the historical and social contributions to and consequences of the the near-destruction of New Orleans in 2005. The chapters are by no means comprehensive - entire books could be written about each subject individually. But taken together, the collection provides a good variety of perspectives on Katrina's impact Louisiana in general, and New Orleans in particular.

Progress toward goals: 77/365 = 21.1%

Books: 29/100 = 29.0%

Pages: 7321/30000 = 24.4%

2009 Book List

cross-posted to 15000pages, 50bookchallenge, and gwynraven

50bookchallenge, 15000pages, books

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