Mar 12, 2009 13:23
So I had an interesting dream last night. I dreamt that I found a tunnel that led to another parallel world that was similar to this one but with several key differences.
For one, it was the fashion to colour yourself with patterned paints that stuck to skin and hair but not clothing and never mixed together - whichever one landed on top was the one that showed. They had these rollercoaster-like rides that sprayed you from all sides with different paints so when you got off you were very colourful indeed. It was actually kind of fun.
Also, the whole main square of town was like a bizarre bazaar (cue groans). Lots of fascinating things for sale most of which I can't remember. Also, everyone wore t-shirts with logos on them - often for companies or products, but sometimes for musicians, authors, artists, or sports teams.
Baseball in particular was taken like a religion - fistfights broke out over what team was best and entire shops were devoted to baseball team t-shirts.
At one point I was looking at some old records (yes, records) and they had the collected works of Neil Diamond on clearance because apparently he totally tanked and everyone thought him the worst artist of the 20th century. I listened to a few and all of the songs were similar, but just a little bit off - lyrics that didn't quite scan as well as the originals, etc.
According to the local newspapers, it was only a few months after Katrina -- except that she hit in Israel, not New Orleans. The scenes of devastation on in the papers were just as bad though. People were talking about it, because apparently the area hit had been at war for a good while prior to the hurricane, so the infrastructure was already damaged.
There was a game played by projecting various shaped shadows on the floor of a large warehouse, climbing up a ladder, and then walking above the shadows which somehow held you up in the air as long as you stayed on them. Whoever made it the furthest across without falling won.
Oh, and Neil Gaiman was revered like a god (and rightfully so). The one t-shirt I bought and wore had the covers of his various books cycling through like a screensaver on the front (yes, apparently this was possible on a simple cotton t-shirt).
Oh, and I was mostly hanging out with my friend I. and Abby Sciuto from NCIS (who is just as fun to hang out with as you'd think she'd be *g*)
Yes, I'm strange. We all know this.