Daily post

Mar 11, 2009 12:51

Sleep: 6:30pm to 9:30pm, 11pm to 3am, 4:30am to 6:30am

Weather: clear, 78F, 61% humidity, high 82F

Description: The feral scent of the heat of the chase, deep woods, undulating musks, brushed by forest flora, swirled in the incense of the anointed cherub that covereth, and touched by blood-dimmed lunar oils.
In bottle: Musk, incense, and woodsy smells - very dark and mysterious.
On me: Incense, musk, loam. Dark and woodsy and absolutely breathtaking. Definitely not selling this one.

Daily Tarot: 3 of Cups: Success, abundance. Good luck, fortune, victory. Happy issue of an undertaking. Hospitality. Pleasure

MyMiniCity: Increase Population
Increase Transportation
Increase Industry
Increase Security

Myths of the Norsemen: from the Eddas and Sagas by H. A. Guerber
Letters by Pliny
City Adrift: New Orleans Before and After Katrina by Jenni Bergal, et al
The Areas of My Expertise by John Hodgman
The Undead Kama Sutra (Felix Gomez #3) by Mario Acevedo

bpal, games, books, paganism, weather, sleep, daily

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