Daily post

Feb 25, 2009 10:29

Sleep: 11pm to 6:30am (with interruptions)

Weather: cloudy, 69F, 60% humidity, high 76F

Description: Animalic musk, with amber, patchouli, ho wood, cypress, almond blossom, golden sandalwood, and strange spices.
In bottle: musk, amber, patchouli, cypress, and an undertone of almond and sandalwood.
On me: Almond and cypress, with undertones of musk and amber. Very nice, but a little too sweet for a werewolf scent.

Daily Tarot: 6 of Wands: Good news. Victory after strife. Pleasure gained through labour. Success through industry. Advancement in the arts and sciences. Friends are helpful.

MyMiniCity: Increase Population
Increase Transportation
Increase Industry
Increase Security

Myths of the Norsemen: from the Eddas and Sagas by H. A. Guerber
Letters by Pliny
The True Adventures of Charley Darwin by Carolyn Meyer
X-Rated Bloodsuckers (Felix Gomez Book 2) by Mario Acevedo
Not Just the Levees Broke: My Story During and After Hurricane Katrina by Phyllis Montana-Leblanc

bpal, games, books, paganism, weather, sleep, daily

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