Daily post

Jan 30, 2009 13:25

Sleep: 12:30am to 6:30am, 7am to 9am

Weather: clear, 57F, 24% humidity, high 60F

Description: Snow-covered pines, witches herbs, bestial musk, flax, and ethereal flowers that represent both birth and death.
In bottle: Pine, and an afterscent of musk.
On me: Pine and herbs. Not bad, but pretty strong on the pine.

Daily Tarot: Page of Cups: A melancholy and passionate youth, studious but given to flights of imagination. Willing to render service to the Querent. If this card does not signify a youth, it will mean the Querent is drawn to the arts, is given to meditation. News, a message, perhaps the birth of a child. New business methods proposed.

MyMiniCity: Increase Population
Increase Transportation
Increase Industry
Increase Security

Myths of the Norsemen: from the Eddas and Sagas by H. A. Guerber
Letters by Pliny
Kate Crackernuts by Katherine M. Briggs
Troll's Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales, ed. by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling

bpal, games, books, paganism, weather, sleep, daily

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