50bookchallenge, 15000pages

Jan 30, 2009 00:13

Book #6 -- Elizabeth Zelvin, Death Will Get You Sober, 259 pages.

Despite the rather cheesy title, this is a pretty decent mystery novel. Bruce Kohler is an alcoholic just out of detox and struggling to stay sober. Drunks have been dying unexpectedly in rehabs and hospitals and when one of them is Bruce's friend, he finds that he actually cares enough to want to know why. Since the cops aren't investigating (what's a few more dead drunks?) Bruce, with the help of his best friend Jimmy and Jimmy's girlfriend Barbara, both recovering addicts themselves, decides to launch his own investigation. Thus begins a mystery that takes the reader on a tour of church basements and the insular world of New York's AA community.

It's a little preachy on the AA thing at times, but it's an interesting glimpse into a pretty closed society, and the mystery itself has enough twists and turns to keep you turning the pages.

Progress toward goals: 29/365 = 7.9%

Books: 6/100 = 6.0%

Pages: 2121/30000 = 7.1%

2009 Book List

cross-posted to 15000pages, 50bookchallenge, and gwynraven

50bookchallenge, 15000pages, books

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