Local fauna

Sep 16, 2008 10:43

So today I'm out walking by the library and I see this older gentleman staring at something on the ground. I get closer and I realise that he's studying one of our albino squirrels (both of whom made it through the hurricane, yay!). So I strike up a quick conversation and we're talking about how rare it is to see an albino squirrel and I'm telling him how there's actually two that hang out around here and how I think they're siblings. Just then, I spot the other one across the path and just as I'm pointing it out to him this big hawk swoops down at the second albino squirrel. Now I love hawks, and generally I'm totally ok with the whole food chain and all that. I've seen hawks grab squirrels and rabbits before and usually I'm too busy admiring the hawk to be upset at the death of the rodent. But I've taken a proprietary interest in our albino squirrels.

It must say something about me that rather than some general exclamation of dismay, my first reaction was to shout *at the hawk* "Don't you dare!". I don't know if my shout distracted it or it was just having a bad day, but thankfully it missed, and the squirrel went scampering off to a tree. It was a close call though. Not entirely sure what kind of hawk it was, but I think it was a Cooper's Hawk.

baton rouge, fauna

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